Announcement of the Package of Actions "Green Transition of SMEs"


The Package of Actions ''Green Transition SMEs''was announcedbudget of €700,000,000, which encourages investment projects aimed at the utilization and development of modern technologies, the upgrading of the products produced and/or services provided and their activities in general, rewarding actions that utilize modern technologies, infrastructures and best practices in issues of energy upgrading and circular economy.

Divided into two Actions:

Action 1: Green Transformation of SMEs: concerns businesses, which employ at least three (3) salaried employees during the calendar year preceding the submission of the financing application.

Subsidy rate: up to 40% - except for the special cases (Western Sector of Athens, Eastern Attica, Western Attica, Piraeus, Islands) that follow the EU Regulation. 651/2014 (Article 14) whose percentages are described in detail in the Invitation. The percentage of the grant may receive a 10% increase, provided that "Green Transition" costs of at least 20% of the total eligible budget of the investment plan are realized and certified during the final verification stage.
The subsidized budget of the investment project can be from €200,001 to €1,000,000

Action 2: Green SME Productive Investment: concerns businesses, which employ at least two (2) salaried employees during the calendar year preceding the submission of the funding application.

Grant rate: up to 40% The rate of the grant may receive a 10% increase, as long as "Green Transition" costs of at least 20% of the total eligible budget of the investment plan are carried out and certified during the final verification stage.
The subsidized budget of the investment project can be from €30,000 to €200,000

The Package of Actions "Green Transition of SMEs" is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of the European Union and by National Participation. For reasons of greater complementarity, financing is done using Joint Support (Article 25 C (EU) 2021/1060) for the financing of interventions that fall within the scope of EKT+ aid.

Submissions start date: Wednesday 22/03/2023 at 12:00

The Package of Actions will remain open for submission of applications until the available budget per Region category is exhausted, as long as the relevant state aid granting regulations remain in force (651/2014, 1407/2013), increased by 20% per Region Category.

Funding applications will be evaluated in order of priority, according to the date and time of final electronic submission to OPSKE.


See Action Bundle εδώ